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Railway Recruitment Board, Gorakhpur

This website is dedicated to the candidates, who desire employment in the INDIAN RAILWAYS.



Provisional Part Panel for Level-2 Category – 10 under CEN No. 01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for ALP & Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for ALP & Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Provisional Part Panel for Level-2 Category – 10,11& 13) & Level-5 (3,4&6) under CEN No. 01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Part Panel for JE against CEN.03/2018

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Schedule of Document Verification & Genuineness of candidature of candidates shortlisted for Level-2 & 3 under CEN No.01/2019 (NTPC)

Shortlisting for Document Verification for Pay Level -3 & 2 under CEN 01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Provisional Part Panel for Level-2 (Category - 11 & 13) Under CEN No. 01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Part Panel for JE against CEN.03/2018

Provisional Part Panel for Level-2 (Category -10, 11& 13), Level-3(Category-09) & Level-5 (Category -04,05 & 06) underCEN No. 01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Part Panel for ALP Category No. 02 against CEN.01/2018

Schedule for Document Verification for Pay Level -5,3 & 2 under CEN 01/2019 NTPC

Shortlisting for Document Verification for Pay Level -5,3 & 2 under CEN 01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Provisional Part Panel-3 for Level-2 (Category -10,11 &13), Level-3(Category-09) & Level-5 (Category -03,04 &05)under CEN No.01/2019 NTPC

Provisional Part Panel-2 for Level-2, Category 10,11 & 13, under CEN No.01/2019 NTPC

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Additional/ Waitlisted Provisional Panel for Technician-III against CEN.01/2018

Third List of DV shortlisting Result, Level-6 and Second List of DV shortlisting Result, Level-5 under CEN No. 01-2019 Cut off for Third Round of DV Level-6 and Second Round of DV Level-5 under CEN No. 01-2019 Provisional Part Panel-2 for Level-5, Category No. 3, 4, 5 & 6, Under CEN No. 01-2019 Provisional Part Panel-1 for Level-5, Category No. 4, 5 & 6, Under CEN No. 01-2019 Provisional Part Panel-1 for Level-5, Category No. 3, Under CEN No. 01-2019 Provisional Part Panel for Level-4 & 6, Category No. 1 & 3, Under CEN No. 03-2019 Provisional Part Panel 3 for Level-6 Category No. 2 Under CEN No. 01-2019 Level-5 DV Shortlisting Result Under CEN No. 01-2019 List of candidates of CEN 01/2019, NTPC,Level 6, Shortlised for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION

Cut OFF MARKS of the List of candidates of CEN 01/2019, NTPC,Level 6, Shortlised for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION

Result of NTPC CBT1 CEN01/2019

The Exam City Slip & Score Card link for NTPC CBT-2 Phase 1 is given below

Please find the Mock Test link for NTPC CBT-2 to be uploaded on RRB websites

The Helpdesk link for NTPC CBT-2 is given below

Scorecard link for checking the pay level for which a candidate is shortlisted to appear in CBT 2 of CEN/01/2019 NTPC

Modification link for Uploading of Photograph and / or Signature and Checking of Application Status

Revised List of candidates selected For Document Verification against the exam (CBT and skill test) of CEN03/2019

Revised Cut Off marks of the List of candidates selected For Document Verification against the exam (CBT and skill test) of CEN03/2019

Cut-off Marks for the candidates shortlisted for Stenography Skill Test & Translation Test Test on the basis of Computer Based Test (CBT) CEN03/2019

List of Candidates Shortlisted for Stenography Skill Test/Translation Test/Performance Test/Teaching Skill Test on the basis of Computer Based Test (CBT)CEN 03/2019

Result Of pass roll numbers in Level 6 CBT2 of NTPC (CBT)CEN 01/2019 NTPC

Cut Off Of pass roll numbers in Level 6 CBT2 Of NTPC (CBT)CEN 01/2019NTPC

Result Of pass roll numbers in Level 2 CBT2 Of NTPC (CBT)CEN 01/2019NTPC

Cut Off Of pass roll numbers in Level 2 CBT2 Of NTPC (CBT)CEN 01/2019NTPC

Result Of pass roll numbers in Level 5 CBT2 Of NTPC (CBT)CEN 01/2019NTPC

Cut Off Of pass roll numbers in Level 5 CBT2 Of NTPC (CBT)CEN 01/2019NTPC

Link for Mock test for CBT-1 under CEN No- 03/2024


Notice for Candidates from Lakshadweep who have applied for CEN RPF 01/2024

Attention to the SC/ST Candidates of CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (Sub-Inspector) (Hindi version)

Attention to the SC/ST Candidates of CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (Sub-Inspector)

Attention to the Candidates of CEN No. 02/2024 (Technician Grade -III) - Application (Provisionally accepted / conditionally accepted / Rejected) status (Hindi version)


Attention to the Candidates of CEN No. 02/2024 (Technician Grade -III) - Application (Provisionally accepted / conditionally accepted / Rejected) status

Attention to the Candidates of CEN No. 04/2024 (Paramedical Categories) - Application (Provisionally accepted / Rejected) status (Enllish version)

Attention to the Candidates of CEN No. 04/2024 (Paramedical Categories) - Application (Provisionally accepted / Rejected) status (Hindi version)

CEN 01/2024 (ALP) : Click Here to View/Download E Call Letter

CEN 01/2024 (ALP) : Click Here to View/Download E Call Letter

NOTICE FOR TENTATIVE EXAM SCHEDULE FOR CEN 01/2024 (RPF- SI), CEN 03/2024 (JE, CMA & Metallurgical Supervisor) & CEN 02/2024 (Technician) (Hindi version)

NOTICE FOR TENTATIVE EXAM SCHEDULE FOR CEN 01/2024 (RPF- SI), CEN 03/2024 (JE, CMA & Metallurgical Supervisor) & CEN 02/2024 (Technician) (English version)



CLICK HERE Refund of Examination fee Candidates of CEN No. RRC - 01/2019 (Level - 1 Posts) Refund of Examination Fee - Final Chance for Bank Account Details Updation ( Hindi version).

Attention for the Candidates of CEN No. RRC - 01/2019 (Level - 1 Posts) Refund of Examination Fee - Final Chance for Bank Account Details Updation ( Hindi version).

Attention for the Candidates of CEN No. RRC - 01/2019 (Level - 1 Posts) Refund of Examination Fee - Final Chance for Bank Account Details Updation ( English version).


TENTATIVE EXAM SCHEDULE FOR CEN 01/2024 (ALP), CEN 01/2024 (RPF- SI), CEN 02/2024 (Technician) & CEN 03/2024 (JE, CMA & Metallurgical Supervisor) (Hindi).

TENTATIVE EXAM SCHEDULE FOR CEN 01/2024 (ALP), CEN 01/2024 (RPF- SI), CEN 02/2024 (Technician) & CEN 03/2024 (JE, CMA & Metallurgical Supervisor).

CEN No.02/2024 (Technician) : Corrigendum & Addendum No.-2 (Hindi)

FAQs to Corrigendum & Addendum No. 2 of CEN 02/2024 (English)

FAQs to Corrigendum & Addendum No. 2 of CEN 02/2024 (Hindi)

CEN No.02/2024 (Technician) : Corrigendum & Addendum No.-2 (English)

Attention to the Candidates of CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (SI) - Application (Provisionally accepted / Conditionally accepted / Rejected) status (English)

Attention to the Candidates of CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (SI) - Application (Provisionally accepted / Conditionally accepted / Rejected) status (Hindi)



Guidelines Do and Do not for Photograph Uploading (CEN 02/2024) English

Guidelines Do and Do not for Photograph Uploading (CEN 02/2024) Hindi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CEN. No. 06/2024 (Hindi)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CEN. No. 06/2024 (English)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CEN. No. 05/2024 (English)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CEN. No. 05/2024 (Hindi)

CORRIGENDUM- I for Centralised Employment Notice (CEN) No. 05/2024

CEN No. 06/2024 (NTPC/UG) : Click Here to Apply Online

Detailed CEN No.06/2024 NTPC/UG (English)

Link to apply for CEN No. 05/2024

Detailed Centralised Employment Notice CEN No. 05/2024


Detailed CEN No.04/2024 - Paramedical (English)

Detailed CEN No.04/2024 - Paramedical (Hindi)

FAQ of CEN-03/2024 (ENGLISH Version)

FAQ of CEN-03/2024 (HINDI Version)

Link to apply for CEN-03/2024

Centralised Employment Notice CEN No. 03/2024 (ENGLISH Version)

Centralised Employment Notice CEN No. 03/2024 (HINDI Version)

Important Notice for Application status and option facility for change of RRB and Railway(s) zones preference for provisionally eligible candidates

CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (Sub-Inspector) & CEN No. RPF 02/2024 (Constable) - NOTICE FOR APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT

Click here for Re-Updation of Bank Account Details.(Link will be live from 26/04/2024, 10.00 AM to 05/05/2024, 05.00 PM.)

Important Notice on Refund of Examination Fee- Re-Updation of Bank Account Details

CEN No.RPF 01/2024 Sub-Inspector (Executive) FAQS

CEN No.RPF 02/2024 Constable (Executive) FAQS

Link for Apply for CEN No RPF 01/2024 & 02/2024

Centralized Employment Notification RPF CEN No 01/2024(English)

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No RPF 01/2024(Hindi)

Centralized Employment Notification RPF CEN No 02/2024(English)

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No RPF 02/2024(Hindi)

Notice regarding RPF CENs

FAQs of CEN 02_2024

Link for downloading E Call letter for DV Sheduled on 19.03.2024 Under CEN No. 01-2019 NTPC

Link for Apply CEN No 02/2024

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No 02/2024(English)

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No 02/2024(Hindi)

Annual Calendar for RRB Recruitments

Recruitment of Technicians- Tentative Timelines

Tentative Timelines for CEN No. 01/2024

Corrigendum CEN 01/2024 dt29012024

Advance Notice Technicians

FAQ of CEN 01_2024

Link for Apply CEN No 01/2024

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No 01/2024(Hindi)

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No 01/2024(English)

Link for downloading E Call letter for DV Sheduled from 27-12-2023 to 29-12-2023 Under CEN No. 01-2019 NTPC

Link for downloading E Call letter for DV of Level-6(3rd Round),Level-5(2nd Round) and Level-3(1st Round) Under CEN No. 01-2019 NTPC

Schedule of Document Verification of candidates shortlisted for Level-6(3rd Round),Level-5(2nd Round) and Level-3(1st Round) Under CEN No. 01-2019 NTPC

Link for Update Bank Account under RRC-01/2019 (Level-1 Posts)

CEN No. RRC-01/2019 (Level-1 Posts): Notice on refund of Exam fees

Level-3 DV Shortlisting Result Under CEN No. 01-2019

CEN No. 01-2019 - Level-3 DV Shortlisting Cut off

Link for downloading E Call letter for DV of level-5 posts under CEN No. 01-2019

Schedule of Document Verification of candidates shortlisted for Level-5 under CEN No. 01/2019 NTPC

Provisional Part Panel 2 for Level-6 Category No. 2 Under CEN No. 01-2019

CEN No. 01-2019 - Level-5 DV Shortlisting Cut off

NTP Cut Off List Level-2

NTPC Cut Off List Level-3

NTPC Cut OffList Level-5

NTPC Cut Off List Level-6

REVISED Schedule Of the DOCUMENT VERIFICATION for CANDIDATES found successful in LEVEL 6 OF CEN 01/2019 NTPC

Option Form to be filled by TECHNICIAN candidates(non empanelled yet) of CEN 01/2018 necessarily

Option Form to be filled by JE,DMS,CMA candidates(non empanelled yet)of CEN 03 / 2018 necessarily

List Of The Candidates Empanelled For The Post Of The Junior Translator (HINDI) wrt CEN 03/2019 Isolated and Ministerial Category

2nd List of the ALP candidates Being sent To ER unit out of NER and on basis of their willingness for remedical

Notice For Examinees of CBAT test of CEN 01/2019 (NTPC) qualified in level 6 about their date of EXAM for oncoming test

Notice For PwBD Examinees of CBAT test of CEN 01/2019 (NTPC) qualified in level 6 about their MEDICAL certificate for oncoming test

Notice For Ex Serviceman Examinees of CBAT test of CEN 01/2019 (NTPC) qualified in level 6 about their MEDICAL certificate for oncoming test

Notice For Examinees of CBAT test of CEN 01/2019 (NTPC) qualified in level 6 about their medical certificate during their oncoming test

Notice For EXSM and other candidates of CEN 01/2019 (NTPC) qualified in level 6 about their medical certificate during their oncoming test

Important Notice towards Document verification , Medical Examination of candidates selected for CEN 03/2019 for Isolated and ministerial posts( Junior Stenographer, Junior Translator, Staff and welfare inspector, Chief Law Assistant etc

Important Notice towards rescheduling of Hindi Stenography Skill Test of CEN 03/2019 for Isolated and ministerial posts

Notice for Candidates Shortlisted for Stenography Skill Test & Translation test (CEN 03/2019)

High Power Committee Report on CBT1 result of CEN 01/2019(NTPC) and on Exam of CEN 01/2019(RRC)

Click here to view e-Call letter and shotlisting status for Stenography Skill Test/Translation Test

About us 

Corrigendum Notices 

Corrigendum Notice RRC 01/2019 (16.10.2020)

Contact us

   Railway Recruitment Board, Railway Station Road

   Gorakhpur - 273 012(U.P.)

   Fax -(0551) , 2201209

  रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड, रेलवे स्टेशन रोड

गोरखपुर - 273012 (उ0प्र0)

फैक्स - 0551-2201209   

 This website was last updated on September 29, 2020

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Site developed & designed by NIC -District Centre,Gorakhpur. The  information displayed on the website are provided by the respective department.  Contents displayed through this website are only informative in nature and should not be construed as a statement of law.